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Kinesiology is the most holistic form of natural therapies.

Kinesiology uses gentle muscle testing to get feedback from the clients body about its overall health - structurally, biochemically and mentally. The human body has an innate intelligence to heal, everything that effects the body is monitored through the nervous system, which is connected to every part of the body, and it is this system that kinesiology communicates with to get feedback and its best path towards better health, energy and balance.


Kinesiology is suitable for any age and anyone. The follow lists just some of what kinesiology will target.

  • Stress, depression and anxiety

  • Pain - physical (muscular & joint)

  • Physical and emotional scars

  • Allergies (Immune mismatch responses)

  • Strength, flexibility and balance

  • Mental focus, concentration and memory

  • Learning integration for kids

  • Emotional wellbeing & Motivation

  • Health, vitality, immunity and energy

  • Digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Sleep


Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.)  is a holistic physical and energy medicine modality, based in Applied Kinesiology which deals with our primal survival systems of fight/flight, feeding, reproduction and immune.


The protocol maintains as its premise that everything that happens to us on a physical, chemical, or emotional level must be processed through one or more of these basic survival systems. Our health depends on how well these systems are maintained in their ability to receive, process and respond to sensory information as well as adapt to a constantly changing environment of both internal and external stressors.


Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. Even for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions, it is common knowledge that any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body.

In many cases, EFT can be applied directly to physical symptoms for relief without exploring any emotional contributors. However, for the most powerful, longest-lasting results with EFT, we do expect to identify and target related emotional issues.


Tools and Qualifications:

  1. Remedial & Sports Massage Diploma

  2. Myofascial Release - Anatomy Trains

  3. Trigger point therapy

  4. Dry needling - Trigger point, symptomatic, acupoint and Gunn method

  5. PNF & MET stretching


Remedial Massage

  • Deep tissue

  • Sports - Pre and post-event and maintenance

  • Relaxation

  • Flushes out toxins

  • Activate weak muscles

  • Relaxing tight muscles

  • Relax nervous system


Myofascial Release

  • Reduce pain & tightness

  • Correct postural issues

  • Increase range of motion

  • Improves biomechanics

  • Reduced stress on joints


Dry Needling

  • Reduce pain (great analgesic)

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Speeds up injury recovery

  • Relaxes nervous system

  • Tones down pain perception at a cognitive level



  • Proprioceptive Neurofacilitation (PNF) - Lengthen shortened muscles

  • Muscle Energy Technique (MET) - Gentle form of muscle stretch, especially when muscle in spasm.


Other techniques

  • Active Release Technique

My Approach

© 2019 David Ball Kinesiology -

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